Quotes about Mothers and Motherhood!
She led me first to God; Her words and prayers were my young spirit’s dew. For when she us’d to leave The fireside every eve, I knew it was for prayer that she with drew. How often has the thought Of my mourn’d mother brought Peace to my troubled spirit, and new power The tempter to repel! Mother, thou knowest well That thou hast bless’d me since my natal hour.
John Pierpont
When Eve was brought unto Adam, he became filled with the Holy Spirit, and gave her the most sanctified, the most glorious of appellations. He called her Eva, that is to say, the Mother of All. He did not style her wife, but simply mother, mother of all living creatures. In this consists the glory and the most precious ornament of woman.
Martin Luther.
A mother once asked a clergyman when she should begin the education of her child, which she told him was then four years old. “Madam,” was the reply, “you have lost three years already. From the very first smile that gleams over an infant’s cheek, your opportunity begins.”
Richard Whately
There is no tear which a mother’s gentle hand cannot wipe away, no wound that a mother’s kiss cannot heal, no anguish which the sweet murmuring of her soft, low voice cannot soothe.
Esaias Tegner
A mother should give her children a superabundance of enthusiasm: that after they have lost all they are sure to lose on mixing with the world, enough may still remain to prompt and support them through great actions.
What a proof of the Divine tenderness is there in the human heart itself, which is the organ and receptacle of so many sympathies! When we consider how exquisite are those conditions by which it is even made capable of so much suffering, the capabilities of a child’s heart, of a mother’s heart, what must be the nature of Him who fashioned its depths, and strung its chords.
A kiss from my mother made me a painter.
Benjamin West
Providence has so ordained it, that only two women have a true interest in the happiness of a man — his own mother, and the mother of his children.
Octave Feuillet
One good mother is worth a hundred school masters.
George Herbert
The future destiny of the child is always the work of the mother.
No language can express the power and beauty and heroism of a mother’s love.
I think it must somewhere be written that the virtues of mothers shall, occasionally, be visited on their children, as well as the sins of fathers.
Charles Dickens
Oh wondrous power!
How little understood,
Entrusted to the mother’s mind alone,
To fashion genius, form the soul for good,
Inspire a West, or train a Washington!
Mrs. Hale
Who ran to help me when I fell,
And would some pretty story tell.
Or kiss the place to make it well?
My mother.
Jane Taylor
Even He who died for us upon the cross, in the last hour, in the unutter able agony of death, was mindful of His mother, as if to teach us that this holy love should be our last worldly thought, the last point of earth from which the soul should take its flight for heaven.
Good daughters make good mothers.
Abigail G. Whittlesey